Golden Age Trips
Golden Age Trips: Travel Packages & Destinations for Seniors
We are proud to have worked with Golden Age Trips, LLC to design a website with seniors in mind that can provide a user-friendly experience with a streamlined navigation, allowing readers to access the latest travel packages and travel articles with the option to share content across all the leading social networking sites.
The site includes an easy to use contact form to help customers get in touch with a licensed Florida Travel Agent, and a variety of travel packages and articles that are updated weekly. Created with senior users firmly in mind, the website’s layout encourages user interaction and let the customer enjoy the site from various browsers and mobile devices.
Also, the website is making the purchase of travel packages available to the users with only a few clicks. The travel offers updates frequently, and are curated taking into consideration a vast array of continuing education materials available to travel agents and personal knowledge acquired through years of travel.
Additionally, the new website means that customers can now benefit from a personalized service and customized itineraries without the need of leaving their house. This is a result of talking with clients and gaining valuable feedback from different sources.
On the Golden Age Trips website, visitors can also read a travel blog with the latest travel experiences from the agents and read about useful travel advice. Furthermore, the new website allows users to share travel packages and pages that interest them with others on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
For more information visit https://www.goldenagetrips.com